Friday, October 18, 2024
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Korea grateful to Sri Lanka for support on Korean peninsula issue

Korea is grateful to Sri Lanka for its support on the Korean peninsula issue, the Korean Embassy in Sri Lanka said.

The Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Sri Lanka Lee Heon said that a series of historic summits between two Koreas, as well as the summit between the U.S. and North Korea marked historic milestone for positive peace developments on the Korean peninsula.

The Ambassador was speaking at the National Day Reception held in Colombo.

“As President Moon Jae-in emphasized in his UN speech last month, decisions made by President Donald Trump and Chairman Kim Jong Un at the previous summit provided the momentum behind the dramatic change in the situation on Korean Peninsula,” he said.

The Ambassador said that he firmly believes that the momentum on the Korean peninsula will continue and as a result denuclearized and a peaceful Korean peninsula will facilitate the regional peace and prosperity as well.

“The Korean government is grateful to the Government and peace-loving people of Sri Lanka for supporting our policy on the issue,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Ambassador also said that Korea is seeking to further consolidate its strong bilateral ties with Sri Lanka.

He said that Korea has the unique experience and knowhow to transform itself from aid recipient to aid donor.

Korea wishes its unique experience be common experience by sharing its knowhow with partner countries. The sum of the investment in various ODA projects and Grants for Sri Lanka since 1987 is over 600 million USD In 2017 alone 15 million USD was allotted to Grant and 4.5 million to ODA in Sri Lanka.

“Te bilateral relations between Korea and Sri Lanka have greatly evolved, marking the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the diplomatic relations in 2017. Our cooperative relations have been extended to all areas including politics, economy, development cooperation, labor, culture, etcetra,” he said.

The Ambassador said that Sri Lanka has been truly a good friend of Korea on a whole range of issues, sharing common values and goals.

The Ambassador also said that he was confident that Sri Lanka would overcome the scars of the Easter terror attacks, just like it had overcome the hardships of the civil war.


(Colombo Gazette)