Friday, October 18, 2024
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Muslims cooperated with police to nab extremists

The Muslim community is pointing out that they helped Police to arrest the remaining members of alleged the terror group that struck churches on Easter Sunday.

President of the All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama (ACJU) Mufti M.I.M Rizwi said his community was instructed to provide information to police immediately after the attacks.

“This shows the resistance that our community showed to the extremists,” he added.

Due to their un-Islamic acts, the suicide bombers were not accorded a Muslim burial, the Mufti told Media in Colombo.

Echoing these sentiments M.N. Ameen President of the Sri Lanka Muslim Council said that local police Muslims had led the STF to the house in the Kalmunai area where there was a clash with Security Forces.

“This information was given to police despite large amounts of cash offered to people not to inform on them,” Ameen said.

Several militants and at least six children died when STF and soldiers exchanged fire with the extremists and tried to search a house in the area.

“It shows that there is no place for such groups in our community,” he added.

Rauff Hakeem the Minister of City Planning, Water Supply and Higher Education said that the media should not sensationalise the results of the search operations.

“As the searches are mostly done in Muslim areas it appears that Muslims are harboring weapons. If they are done in other areas as well more weapons would be found,” he said.

“This is, unfortunately, portraying the Muslims as a violent community,” he added.

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