Sunday, May 12, 2024
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GR says won’t resign, ready to hand over govt to whoever shows 113 seats

**With the exit of the SLFP and some government MPs threatening to sit independent, the government has lost its 2/3rd majority

**The SLPP is now trying to hold on to its 113 seats so that it could continue in government

President Gotabaya Rajapaksa had informed senior party members yesterday that he is ready to hand over the government to whichever party that proves to hold 113 seats in Parliament today, the Daily Mirror learns.

President Rajapaksa held continuous political meetings yesterday amidst public protests throughout the nation, calling on the President and government to resign, and informed political parties that he will not step down from the Presidency but will hand over the government to whoever that holds 113 seats in Parliament.

Parliament will convene for the first time today amidst the public protests and a vote will be taken to see which party holds 113 seats or above. It is now clear that with the exit of the SLFP and some government MPs threatening to sit independent, the government has lost its 2/3rd majority.

However, the SLPP is now trying to hold on to its 113 seats so that it could continue in government even with a simple majority and Mahinda Rajapaksa could continue as the Prime Minister.

If the government fails to show its numbers today then a proposal will be made to the Speaker to call for a debate to see who would be the new Prime Minister and as President Rajapaksa has decided, the government will be handed over to the new party. (Daily Mirror)